20.04.2020, 19:30 – 10:48 minuta

Tekst mówiony: „Ekonomiści włoskiej grupy UniCredit oceniają, że polski pakiet ochrony rynku pracy jest najlepszy w naszym regionie”

Wyświetlony cytat UniCredit – tłumaczenie z : CEE: Fighting the downturn

„największe i najbardziej znaczące wsparcie dla pracowników pojawiło się w Polsce, która zapowiedziała przeznaczenie 6,7% PKB dla firm, które starają się uniknąć zamknięcia i zwolnień” unicredit

Jakich krajów dotyczy ten raport? CEE i EU-CEE
Central and Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, Rosja, Turcja, Bosnia i Hercegowina, Macedonia, Serbia

EU-CEE comprises Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia – all CEE countries that are members of the EU

Szkoda, że Tvpis nie podało, że rozdział o Polsce nosi tytuł: „Mnóstwo niepewności” i nie przytoczyło tekstu ze str. 14:
„In Poland, the parliamentary majority led by Law and Justice (PiS) has decided to hold presidential elections on 10 May through a postal voting system that has never been used before. Moreover, elections will go on as planned despite the campaign having been suspended due to the lockdown. This benefits the incumbent, Andrzej Duda, who is supported by the PiS. Mr. Duda receives much more media coverage than his competitors because of his involvement in the official response to the crisis.While questions about democratic backsliding will remain for as long as states of emergencies are enforced, it seemsthat from the point of view of voters, the economic outcome will be more important than defending political and personal freedoms. In the words of Francis Fukuyama5, “The major dividing line in effective crisis response will not place autocracies on one side and democracies on the other. […] The crucial determinant in performance will not be the type of regime, but the state’s capacity and, above all, trust in government.” Mr. Orbán remains very popular in Hungary, while Mr. Duda could win re-election in the first round of voting. Both base their popularity on the strong economic track record of their respective parties. In Hungary and Poland, as in Russia, Serbia and Turkey, this crisis will offer elected leaders an opportunity to strengthen their grip on power at the expense of personal freedoms. In Hungary and Poland’s case, the backsliding can only be averted by a stronger reaction from the EU and a more active use of the European Court of Justice.”

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